Buck Stone, Buckstone Rig, Newcastleton. |
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The Buck Stone, Hermitage, stands on Buckstone Rig, around 500m
north of Hermitage and 160m from the right bank of the Whitrope
Burn. It is a wedge-shaped slab of limestone, set with its major
axis north west and south east and its sharp edge pointing south
east. Rising to a level top at a height of 1.00m, the
stone is wedge-shaped in section, measuring a maximum of 1.00m
in breadth and tapering from 0.60m in thickness to no more than
0.10m on the south east face. The upper surface is deeply pitted
by weathering.
From Hawick, take the B6399 for Hermitage and Newcastleton. The
stone is on the hillside less than one mile from Hermitage.
On grass verge on the upstream side of the bridge over the
Whitrope Burn.
The purpose of The Buck Stone will probably never be known. It
sits on a commanding position above the Whitrope Burn and can be
seen from the stone circle on Ninestone Rig, 1.5 miles to the
north east. Another possible standing stone in the vicinity is
on Graystone hill to the south west, although I have yet to
visit this stone and cannot be sure if any line-of-sight exists.
The remains of a possible trackway (drainage channel?) exists
just a few metres uphill of the stone and might be significant.